Posts by Bocha Blue
These MAGA loons are further off the deep end than ever
Ted Cruz’s podcast meltdown
Nice try, Susan Collins!
Marjorie Taylor Greene event loses its venue
Good news for Joe Biden
Kellyanne Conway just found a whole new way to humiliate herself
Marco Rubio just got dunked on
This just backfired on Marjorie Taylor Greene
MAGA descends into panicked hysteria
The biggest attempted heist of all time
Major new moves at MSNBC
This is just embarrassing for Nikki Haley
Donald Trump’s popularity plunges even further
Mitch McConnell whines and complains because he’s not getting his way on this one
President Biden makes major move
Erasing history
“It’s the economy, stupid”
New trouble for Greg Abbott
This is just embarrassing for Ron Johnson
Something is going profoundly wrong with Donald Trump Jr.
Taking down Joe Rogan
Music is a majestic sandcastle. It is glorious in its ability to touch, comfort, and enthrall its listeners. I went to many a concert in my day. I still have many of my ticket stubs, some going back decades. Of course, there are those performers I never did get to see. One of them is…
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