Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

It appears every day now that someone comes forward to remark on Donald Trump’s mental decline. The latest to do so is British Columbia Professor Paul Quirk. Quirk says it is evident that Donald Trump is suffering from severe mental decline. Quirk says there are two specific reasons why he reached this conclusion. The first…

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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

It’s hit the point of no return for Donald Trump. What I mean by that is that, finally, dear readers, finally, his blunders have been made into a video. It’s about time! Those mischievous anti-Trump people, the Lincoln Project, have put a lovely and telling 101-second video together. It is titled: “Donald Trump’s weekend in…

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Rose-colored glasses are for the innocent. The innocent, the romantics, the ones who had not yet been tainted by the cruelty of the world, the ones who found it difficult to imagine true horror. Long ago, I was one of these people. I wore my rose-colored glasses 24 hours a day. I could not imagine.…

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The sounds are like a million whispering cicadas singing their social media song. For those not familiar with Twitter, they may not know about “trending. Trending on Twitter means going viral. It means that whatever is trending is at the top of popularity on Twitter, that this trending subject is one of the things that…

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The ever-flowing waterfall of money that exists only in Donald Trump’s withered brain might be, in reality, more like a trickle. That’s because, according to Politico’s Josh Gerstein, Trump may experience a hard time securing a bond. Gerstein appeared on MSNBC on Sunday, where he sketched a dreary outlook for the traitor. He said were…

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