We told you Robert Mueller was zeroing in on Roger Stone and Julian Assange
For the past few weeks Palmer Report has been documenting the various pieces that have been aligning to spell out that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been zeroing in on Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Now there’s confirmation that Mueller has indeed targeted the two for the manner in which they conspired during the election.
The first clue came when Stone’s friend Sam Nunberg announced on cable news last month that he had been subpoenaed to testify before a Mueller grand jury, and that he would refuse to, because he didn’t want to testify against Stone with regard to his connections to Assange. Nunberg went ahead and testified anyway. Then came media reports that a second unnamed Stone associate was cooperating with Mueller. Then former Stone associate Randy Credico appeared on cable news and accused Stone of having been in communication with Assange. Then last week Mueller detained Ted Malloch, yet another Stone associate, and questioned him about Stone’s connections to Assange – prompting a meltdown from Stone.
As Palmer Report pointed out at the time, on the same day that Mueller detained Malloch and questioned him about Stone’s connections to Assange, the Ecuadorian embassy cut off internet access to Assange, suggesting that Ecuador expects Mueller to indict Assange soon. Now the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Stone sent an email in August of 2016 admitting that he’d just had dinner with Assange, and that Mueller has the email in question. This is crucial for two reasons.
First, this confirms what has been increasingly apparent for weeks: Robert Mueller is zeroing in on Roger Stone and Julian Assange. Second, this means that one or more of the Stone associates in question has turned over email evidence against Stone. We expect Mueller to have his grand jury indict Stone soon, so that Mueller can arrest Stone and try to get him to agree to a plea deal against Donald Trump.
Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report