You’re darn right Donald Trump is going senile!

ALERT: we need to raise $1976 to continue our fight against Trump. We must push back as aggressively as possible. Click here to donate what you can.

Whenever Donald Trump does some stupid or incoherent thing lately that points to his worsening senility, a small but loud segment of the Resistance always insists that it’s really just part of an evil master plan that none of us can see. These folks seem to think they’re being vigilant, but I think they’re unwittingly doing harm by ignoring the evidence.

We all know that Trump has always had some kind of psychological condition. Call it malignant narcissism, or sociopathy, or psychopathy if you like. Trump won’t let legitimate doctors get close enough to him for a proper diagnosis, but Trump’s behavior is so severe, you don’t need to be a doctor to see that he’s deranged. The thing is, he’s now going senile on top of this.

When Trump blurted out today that he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine for the past week and a half, it wasn’t some kind of brilliant deflection strategy. It didn’t somehow make things better for him. That’s probably what he was trying to do, but this was a laughably mentally incompetent swing and miss. Trump just created a far bigger scandal for himself than any of his other scandals that were in the news today.

We keep seeing Donald Trump falling down over and over again. When he told us all to inject ourselves with disinfectant, it wasn’t part of some evil genius master plan. It was an aging criminal reminding us just how much he’s losing in the cognitive department. There’s a reason lifelong criminals usually get caught once they’re older: they’ve spent their entire lives having to constantly figure out how to stay one step ahead of their own lies, and eventually they lose a step and slip up.

Some folks are afraid that if they acknowledge Trump is going senile, it’ll mean they’ve stopped being vigilant about how dangerous he is. But the reality is that his collapsing cognitive abilities arguably make him more dangerous right now. And we have no idea how it’ll impact Trump’s candidacy as the election cycle goes on and his condition continues to deteriorate.

Nor is it insulting to other people suffering from worsening senility when I point out that Trump is going senile. If you were a good person before you started going senile, then you’re still a good person, and you deserve empathy for what’s happening to you. If you’re Donald Trump and you’re going senile, then you’re still the same deranged criminal as ever, and you’re not remotely in the same boat as the good people out there who are going senile. Put another way: if someone you respected or cared about was struggling in the cognitive department as badly as Trump is now struggling, you’d try to get them professional help for their condition.

What you really can’t afford to do is to pretend Donald Trump isn’t going senile, simply because it doesn’t fit your preferred narrative about how dangerously evil he is. He’s still just as dangerously evil as ever, maybe more so now. It’s just that he’s visibly struggling badly to get his own mind to work. In order to defeat Trump, we have to be clear about what’s actually going on with him. The man is clearly in some stage of senility, which is combining with his existing psychopathy to produce some uniquely bizarre behavior.

ALERT: we need to raise $1976 to continue our fight against Trump. We must push back as aggressively as possible. Click here to donate what you can.