Yet another House Republican calls it quits

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The GOP House exodus is continuing with yet another Republican House member announcing he won’t seek reelection. Rep. Jeff Duncan of the state of South Carolina has announced his retirement. He will not seek reelection for an eighth term.

The House majority is dwindling bigly. It’s pretty bare bones right now. So many Republicans seem to want to flee Capitol Hill and never come back. Can’t say I blame them. Look who their leaders are.

“It is time for another man or woman to serve our district in the next Congress.” Duncan wrote. In the meantime, Rep. Bill Johnson is leaving THIS WEEK to start a new job in academia. This all comes at a horrible time for Speaker Johnson. Johnson is already under fire for — well — we don’t know exactly why. The House caucus appears to hate anyone who assumes the speaker role. This is becoming a regular occurrence.

So if one wondered if 2024 would be the year Republicans in the House got their affairs in order and started — you know — actually doing WORK — one would perhaps not be surprised to find the answer is no. Not this year. If anything, House Republicans are MORE dysfunctional than ever before. But they just have fewer members — noticeably fewer members to BE dysfunctional.

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