Yes, this was a huge victory

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President Biden and the Democrats have managed to push through their $1.9 trillion COVID relief package, which includes nearly everything they originally wanted out of it, with only a handful of changes here and there. It’s a major victory. It’s precisely what winning looks like in politics. So why are some liberal activists having a hard time seeing it?

Part of the problem is that the media spent four years pretending Trump and the Republicans were magically getting everything they wanted, when in fact they only achieved a small fraction of the corrupt agenda that they tried to put forward. It created the false expectation that whoever is in charge gets to quickly and easily do whatever they want. So now liberals are disappointed that the Democrats can’t magically do whatever they want, like the Republicans were supposedly doing.

Here’s the thing: you could literally write a book about all the things that Trump and the Republicans tried and failed to do while they were in control. They didn’t get their wall. They didn’t get to kill Obamacare. They didn’t get to do half the racist things they tried to do. The list goes on and on. But the media spent that entire time pretending Trump and McConnell were waving a magic wand and getting everything they wanted, just to scare you into tuning in for ratings.

Neither side ever has a magic wand in politics. Neither side ever accomplishes more than a fraction of its desired agenda, even when it’s fully in charge. Don’t let the media convince you that politics is some kind of movie about wizards casting spells. Politics simply does not work that way, ever, for either party. The COVID relief package is exactly what victory looks like in politics. When you win, you get some fraction of what you wanted, and the other side gets little or nothing.

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