Yes, it really is this bad

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

Donald Trump continues to stand out as the most corrupt president in our nation’s history, Barr none. “Law and Order” are empty words from this administration, one that has attempted to destroy various institutions, including the EPA and most recently, the United States Postal Service.

But not only is it corrupt, it is led by a man who has no appreciation for actual expertise for various issues. In the most recent stupidest damn thing ever said by a president, when interviewed this week by Hugh Hewitt, he was asked about who he might turn to if he had a military situation. Did he refer to his Joint Chief of Staffs or Secretary of Defense, or a true general?

No, he turned to a football coach, namely, Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots. Trump stated: “If I ever had a military battle I’d call up Belichick and say, ‘What do you think, what do you think? Give me a couple of ideas.’ He’d be as good as any general out there.”

St the end of the interview they turned to the topic of Chicago, and the responses and interactions with Hewitt were just as stupid, with Hewitt trying to ascribe to Trump something that Trump has no inkling about, Federalism. The interaction in part was:

HH: Chicago is getting out of hand….

DJT: We can solve that problem in one hour, just like we did in Minneapolis. They were ripping the place apart, and I was calling them and saying you’d better get the Guard out.…The whole thing was over. They could have done that a week earlier, and you wouldn’t have had a city that was ripped apart.

HH: But you respect the governor’s power.

DJT: And the only reason Seattle settled was they knew I was going in the next day.
HH: You’re a federalist.

DJT: And my guys were going in the next day. That’s the only reason that happened.
HH: You believe in federalism.

This is total gibberish. Donald Trump has absolutely no idea what he’s even trying to say. Yet he wants us to believe that Joe Biden is “sleepy” or “slow.”

We're expanding our efforts against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. Help us win the fight:
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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report