Yes, Eric Trump really is that stupid

Earlier this year, Mary Trump confirmed from first hand experience that Donald Trump Jr, and not Eric Trump, is in fact the dumbest Trump son. But that hasn’t stopped Eric from doing his best to win the title back from his brother.
Today, Eric Trump tweeted this: “Does anyone believe that Biden got 15 million more votes than Obama in 2012? This from a candidate who would go days/weeks while hardly campaigning.”
Wow, where do we even start with this guy? The 2020 election saw the highest turnout in history, with a record setting number of voters on both sides. That is, obviously, because this was widely seen as the most important election in our lifetimes. So no, it’s not surprising at all that President-elect Biden got 80 million votes on his way to winning handily.
It’s also a reminder that campaigning comes down to picking your spots, and being smart and strategic about where you hold your rallies. For instance, Donald Trump wasted a huge amount of time inexplicably campaigning in the blue state of Minnesota, which he was never going to win no matter what. Biden picked his spots far more smartly than that, and won big accordingly.