Yep it’s treason

Steve Bannon deserves no credit for admitting that Donald Trump and his family participated in a “treasonous” conspiracy with Russia. He knew it was going on and he ignored it. He then took a White House job with a man he considered to be a traitor against the United States. He’s only admitting it now for some selfish reason or other. But by using that one word, Bannon has in fact changed the entire manner in which the media is framing the Trump-Russia conspiracy, and thus how the average American will soon come to view it.
As the evidence gradually poured in during the course of 2017, Palmer Report began to refer to the Trump-Russia plot for what it was: treason. Most of the people on social media who have been following the publicly available evidence trail have concluded that it was treason as well. But even when Congressman Eric Swalwell accused Trump-Russia conspirator Paul Manafort of “treason” in early December, the mainstream media still refused to use the word.
Palmer Report published an op-ed on New Years Eve, encouraging the Resistance to begin using the word “treason” in reference to the Trump-Russia scandal, in the hope of forcing the media to finally call it what it is. Little did we know that Steve Bannon of all people would be the one to change the narrative by using that word himself. Of course it appears he said to the author of “Fire and Fury” several months ago, and it’s just coming out now because the book is being released. But it nonetheless changes everything.
The mainstream media has spent all year playing it as safe as possible when referring to the Trump-Russia scandal. It refused to even use the word “collusion” until after Donald Trump himself strangely began denying that “collusion” took place. It refused to use the word “treason” until one of Trump’s own former insiders used it first.
We can debate the legal definition of treason, and whether Russian election hacking technically qualifies as the act of cyber warfare necessary to meet that definition. That’s beside the point. This isn’t about whether Donald Trump and his people will be charged or convicted on treason charges, or the peacetime equivalent instead. The bottom line is that this was, by any practical or popular definition of the word, an act of treason. The media was just afraid to say it. That’s all changed now. It means the average viewer sitting at home will finally come to understand the Russia scandal, because it’s no longer all that complicated: Trump committed treason.