Yep, Steve Bannon cut a deal with Robert Mueller

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Yesterday I asked if Steve Bannon had perhaps cut a deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Then this morning Bannon’s own words suggested otherwise, until it turned out his words are several months old. I’ve spent all day trying to figure out if Bannon has cut a deal or not. But now Democratic Senator Mark Warner just confirmed it, by refusing to answer the two most important questions involved.

This morning we learned that Steve Bannon has admitted the Trump-Russia scandal is “treasonous” in nature. There is no way he would be talking publicly about the scandal if he’s already cut a plea deal, because he wouldn’t be allowed to. Then we learned that Bannon provided the quotes months ago, for a book that’s just now finally coming out. This opened the possibility that Bannon may have indeed cut a deal in the months since he mouthed off to the book author. Then Mark Warner stepped to the plate.

Senator Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating the Trump-Russia scandal, appeared on Meet The Press Daily on Wednesday afternoon. Chuck Todd asked him why Steve Bannon hasn’t yet been brought before the committee, when so many other major players have already testified. Warner simply laughed and refused to answer the question. Todd then asked whether or not Bannon’s words mean that he should be brought before the committee. Once again, Warner dodged the question, saying only that Bannon’s words must be proven or disproven.

Under almost any circumstances, the Democrats investigating the Trump-Russia scandal would be seizing upon Steve Bannon’s words, pointing to it as the best evidence yet of the severity of the scandal, and demanding that Bannon come in and testify. There is only one scenario in which the Democrats would not want Bannon coming in to testify – and that’s if he’s already cut a deal. Warner just tacitly confirmed that Bannon has indeed cut a deal. There’s no longer any real doubt.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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