Donald Trump has already written his own story

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How incapable does a president need to be for the 25th Amendment to be invoked? If Donald Trump has not yet met that ambiguous standard, it is unlikely that any future president will arrive at that level of disqualification. Trump was unprepared for the role when he rode down the gilded escalator. At this point, the lack of knowledge and skills almost seems secondary to the fact that Donald Trump is a danger to the nation.

Since the Coronavirus pandemic became part of the national conversation, Trump has shown that he is unable to propose decisions for the benefit of the American people. Gone are the thinly veiled policies that benefit Trump covertly. Gone is the international intrigue of intervention by other nations. Gone is Wikileaks. At this time in American history, Donald Trump offers us four more years, and we should trust him because he is the “victim.” In his mind, Trump was the victim of the Russia investigation, and therefore as the “Law and Order” president, he needed to pardon Roger Stone.

Trump also believes he’s the victim of the pandemic. Schools are choosing to stay closed because “they” want to harm him. Keeping schools closed has nothing to do with fears of sickness and death. Instead, the plan to keep schools closed is a deep-state plot by Democrats to harm Trump. We should also be aware that the terror invoked by confederate flags is not a reasonable visceral response by descendants of slaves. In Trump’s mind, everyone but him misunderstands that flying the confederate flag is an expression of the First Amendment, not a hateful symbol of a losing army. Would flying the Nazi flag or a rally of people in white hoods also be expressions of the First Amendment?

Access to numbers of coronavirus patients and the availability of ventilators will be hidden to control the dissemination of information. Coronavirus testing is unnecessary because it “creates” cases. People in Jacksonville will be able to get tests because it is the location of the Republican National Convention, but as of now, no one wants to come to Trump’s COVID party. Donald Trump is a danger to America. His only concern is to avoid the law and the label of a loser. Too late, he has already written his own story.

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