Donald Trump’s advisers are having the worst week ever

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders got thrown out of a restaurant simply for being Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and she may not even be the Donald Trump adviser who had the worst go of it this week. Considering all that’s now playing out as the stakes continue to be raised in Trump’s demise, you have to wonder how many – if any – of these advisers will still be there by the finish line.

Trump’s Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen was chased from a Mexican restaurant by protesters, and then later confronted by protesters at her home. Stephen Miller was also confronted by a protester at a Mexican restaurant, a theme that seems to keep repeating itself. After locking Hispanic immigrant children in cages, are these ghouls making a point of rubbing it in by holding their victory dinners at Mexican restaurants? In any case these dinners aren’t going particularly well for them.

Elsewhere, it’s being widely reported that Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was chased by protesters from a movie screening, simply for being a Donald Trump surrogate. Trump has become such a toxically contagious pariah, you can no longer show your face in public if you even so much as campaigned for the bastard.

Every politician is hated by plenty of people. But try to imagine working for a boss who is so ferociously despised by all of mainstream America, you can’t even go out to dinner anymore without being confronted and heckled for your boss’s crimes and atrocities. That’s usually a good sign that you’re working for the wrong person. It’s not that anyone still working for Donald Trump has a soul, or a moral compass. But how long before they crack under the pressure of not being able to leave the house without having to answer for their regime’s sins?

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