Wisconsin Supreme Court just handed a major 2024 boost to President Biden and the Democrats

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One of the key moments in the 2024 presidential election actually happened back in 2023, when we all came together and got Judge Janet Protasiewicz elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. This flipped the majority and paved the way for the court to start making legitimate rulings with regard to voting.

Sure enough, today the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a 4-3 decision reinstating ballot drop boxes. This is the correct move and it makes it easier for everyone in the state to vote. It’s only fair. It’s a win for the people. But because targeted voter suppression is a key component of the Repubicans’ cheating strategy, this ruling is also a major boost for President Biden and the Democrats’ prospects in Wisconsin in November.

So if the 2024 presidential election does come down to Wisconsin, or if the 2024 Senate majority comes down to the Senate race in Wisconsin, we can all look back on the election of Judge Janet Protasiewicz as the turning point in that outcome. Let’s take a moment to recall how hard we worked to get her elected last year – and now we’re seeing the positive consequences. Let’s make that same effort over the next four months and get Biden reelected. Donate to Palmer Report

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