Donald Trump’s $3 million Wisconsin recount stunt has turned into a total debacle for him

Donald Trump paid $3 million for a recount in two Wisconsin counties. One of the two has completed its recount, and as a result he’s now behind by an additional 132 votes. That’s right, Trump is now paying money to lose even more votes. No wonder he’s gone bankrupt so many times.
It was clear all along that Trump was only spending the $3 million to do the partial recount because if he didn’t opt to do a recount in Wisconsin at all, his gullible supporters might have figured out that he’s not really trying to “contest” the election, and stopped funding him entirely. Still, he spent $3 million just to drag out the illusion for another week, so he could keep pocketing the donations. So he would have needed to get more than $3 million in donations this past week just to make the recount stunt profitable for him. At some point he has to be seeing diminishing returns on this.
– I appreciate that a few Republican officials did their jobs in certifying the election, but they don’t deserve special recognition. If the bar is so low that we have to hand out extra credit to the few Republicans who don’t break the law, their party shouldn’t hold office at all.