Winning it all!

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Everyone has a passion — or more than one. All people have things that fuel them. For some, it’s sports. That’s why so many go absolutely crazy when their team wins! For others, it’s art — or animals or baking or gardening and so on… And for some, it’s politics.

I think it is safe to say that many people reading this article are political animals. Does politics drive you? Do you think about it constantly? Do you think about how you can change the world — make it a better place? I do. Politics is one of my passions, and it always has been. And when we win — well — it is not unlike how sports fans get.

Or people who gaze upon beautiful works of art — or people who swim with dolphins or create garden masterpieces or bake sumptuous desserts. It fuels us. Politics for us IS our daily fuel. And think about this: we are riding “the winning wave,” as I like to call it.

We are winning so much, people. Don’t you want to feel like this all the time? Is it not wonderful to see the world becoming a better place before our eyes? So let’s do this. The whole smorgasbord can be ours. But to attain that smorgasbord, we cannot get lackadaisical. It would be tempting because we have had so many wins to let it ride for a few minutes.

Not on our watch! We cannot “let it ride.” That’s complacency. That’s how we lose. So sign up, volunteer, tell EVERYONE you know to vote, and work as hard as possible. Politics calls to us, and we answer because it’s what we’re here to do. We have had a heck of a fantastic month or two, yes? Let’s make it even better. Let’s win the whole smorgasbord.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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