Donald Trump’s professed love for WikiLeaks has finally come back to bite him

Throughout the presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump repeatedly and publicly acknowledged his love and appreciation for WikiLeaks and whoever else – “Russia, if you’re listening….” – was responsible for hacking and disseminating emails and documents stolen from the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign. Over the course of 56 events leading up to the election, Trump mentioned WikiLeaks a total of 141 times (link). Now it appears that Trump and his supporters only appreciate it when it’s their opponents’ secrets that are being shared with the public.
In another attack on the nation of Qatar, a top fundraiser for Trump, Elliott Broidy, is suing the Qatari government for an alleged “hostile intelligence operation” in which hacked emails were shared with multiple media outlets (link). Broidy is suddenly a new focus of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. One of the lesser-known names in Mueller’s investigation, George Nader, has financial connections to Broidy from when they both worked with the Trump White House to advance interests of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. The fact that Nader is cooperating with Mueller should frighten not only Broidy but also Trump as well.
It was recently reported that Nader wired $2.5 million to Broidy last April in an effort to pressure Trump to push anti-Qatari policies in order to advance UAE’s agenda around the world. It has also come to light that Broidy used $600,000 of that payout from Nader to give to several GOP political campaigns (link). When Trump said, multiple times, that he only surrounds himself with “the best people” it now appears he meant the best at failing to get away with their many crimes.
Perhaps Donald Trump will think twice (or think at all) next time before he declares his admiration of illegal activities, knowing that those same types of actions could come back to bite him. Just kidding – Trump never learns, and Mueller is taking great advantage of that fact.

I’m a ceramic engineer living in Central New York, avid sports fan but find myself more interested in politics lately.