Who are these idiots?

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Donald Trump’s press conference today was a travesty on too many levels to count. He unleashed a racist tirade against reporter Yamiche Alcindor. He falsely accused New York City hospital workers of stealing supplies. He made multiple references to what are likely imaginary friends of his. But one moment in particular may have been the most alarming of all.

At one point Donald Trump admitted that he’s already giving up on his goal of reopening the country by Easter, and that he’s now focused on April 30th instead – with a fallback of June. Trump then tried to take credit for the social distancing and lockdowns that have been put in place, saying that some of his own advisers have instead been urging him to “Ride it like a cowboy. Ride that sucker right through.”

Who are these advisers? Who in the White House is telling Donald Trump that we should leave the country fully open and let millions of Americans die? Do these advisers really exist? If so, then it means that Trump is being advised by people who are even more dangerously deranged than he is. We deserve names.

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