Where did Donald Trump go?

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After Joe Biden spoke tonight and expressed confidence that he would win, Donald Trump immediately tweeted that he would speak too. But that was nearly an hour ago, and as we approach two in the morning, there’s still no sign of Trump.

Trump must be scrambling behind the scenes. The later he waits, the fewer people will watch, and the less impact. Was he really not prepared for the possibility that he would have to speak tonight?

It’s also possible that Trump’s babysitters are begging him not to go out and declare victory, because doing so would weaken his position all around. But an hour? Really? One can only imagine the chaos and lunacy going on in Trump land right now behind the scenes.

Then again, with Twitter having already plastered over Donald Trump’s false victory tweet with a warning label, perhaps Trump is seeing that this whole “falsely declaring victory” thing just isn’t going to go his way. Will we see him tonight at all?

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