When will it end?

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When will it end? Early Saturday morning, two hospitals had to evacuate because of bomb threats. Where do YOU suppose this happened? Seriously, think about it. Take a guess. It happened in the United States. Of all the towns, in all of the cities, where do you suppose these bomb threats came from?

If you said Springfield, Ohio, congratulations, you know your psychopaths. It is now becoming a daily thing for Springfield. That’s what happens with stochastic terrorism. The fact that one of the people initiating the terrorism is an Ohio senator is shameful.

Many people are mentioning that Vance should be charged with inciting riots. Springfield’s mayor is begging Trump and Vance to shut up and leave his community in peace. But as you are all aware, little things like bomb threats against children don’t matter very much to JD Vance or Donald Trump.

I also want to know where Usha Vance, and Melania Trump are. Both women have seemingly vanished, and just because they’re the wives doesn’t mean they’re not accountable. Every minute that goes by where they don’t speak out puts people in terrible danger. I have no sympathy for either of them.

On MSNBC, there was a segment suggesting that Vance and Trump wanted this in the news on purpose because for some low-information voters,they hear the word “immigration” and vote for Trump and Vance. I kind of think that’s giving voters far too little Credit.

Yes, there are voters who will love what Vance and Trump are doing. The thing is that support I speak about is likely already baked in. This IS maga. But for the average moderate independent or undecided Voter, they are going to hate this. They will hate it because the behavior we are witnessing is sociopathic.

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