What is going on with Donald Trump’s face?

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Donald Trump has long appeared to be wearing some kind of bronzer or orange paint on his face. It’s not clear why he’s ever thought this made him look good, but it’s nonetheless his signature look. Except now it’s coming apart – literally.

Republican Senator John Cornyn recently posted this photo of himself with Donald Trump. In the photo op, Trump’s face appears to be three different colors:

This photo suggests that Donald Trump is no longer cognitively aware of his physical appearance nor cognitively capable of fixing his appearance. If your signature look was to have bronzer all over your face, and you looked in the mirror while taking a leak and saw that your team hadn’t bothered to put any bronzer on your ear or on the side of your head, wouldn’t you say something? Yet Trump just goes out there looking like this. There’s something wrong with more than just his face.

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