What is going on with CNN?

How to write about CNN without getting into sleaze territory? I’m not sure it’s possible with what is happening over at that network. But I will do my best. I don’t want to go over the backstories of Chris Cuomo and Jeff Zucker. There are hundreds of articles all essentially saying the same thing — listing the “whys” What I’d like to do is talk about the tragedy of CNN — because make no mistake, it IS a tragedy.
None of what is currently happening at CNN had to happen. In my humble opinion, the real tragedy is not why this person or that person was fired. The real tragedy was how easily ANY of this would have been to stop. The fact that nobody stopped it shows incompetence.
There have been many investigations at CNN. There was one into Cuomo’s conduct. There is now one reportedly into Zucker’s. But impulsivity is also part of the equation. I know about impulsivity. Don’t you? When people act in the heat of the moment — act rashly and impulsively — nothing good can ever come of it.
We have ALL at one time, or another acted impulsively. Think about it. How does that usually work out? CNN’s disasters are literally ALL enmeshed in impulsivity. It started a long time ago with how the network chose to handle the Andrew Cuomo scandal. They decided to walk on eggshells. They warned Chris Cuomo not to discuss it. They seemed to creep around, hoping it would go away.
And then suddenly they fired Cuomo — bringing them unwanted attention. But the investigation into Cuomo had barely begun. And that’s what happens with impulsive behavior. The sharks sense weakness and start to circle.
CNN’s bizarre behavior brought them much attention they didn’t need. Their ratings started to plummet. Nobody on either side trusted them, it seemed.
Then came Zucker. He is now gone. But many of CNN’s journalists are pissed. A tape of a meeting has leaked. In that meeting, many reporters stand up for Zucker. Nobody seems to feel they’re getting the real story — and they’re likely not. How much simpler would it have been if Nobody was fired — at least before any investigation was complete?
I am NOT defending the actions of either Cuomo or Zucker. Both behaved foolishly. But if CNN had reviewed all these decisions carefully – with LOGIC and reason — and waited until every last bit of every investigation was over — none of this would have happened.
I don’t honestly know if they can come back from all this. CNN needs to learn humility. Will they get through this web of swampy tabloid-fodder? Will they come back? We will see.