Donald Trump’s Hannibal Lecter obsession exposed

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Donald Trump has become so obsessed with Hannibal Lecter in recent months, he even made a point of praising Lecter during his Republican National Convention speech. What’s worse, Trump appears to believe that Lecter is a real person who has passed away. Even for Trump, this is unnervingly bizarre. But what does it mean?

The code may have finally been cracked. Trump frequently claims that the people being given “asylum” in the United States are coming from mental institutions in other countries. One Twitter user pieced together that Trump may not understand the difference between political “asylum” and an “insane asylum.”

In other words Trump’s dementia symptoms may be so severe that he no longer knows that the word “asylum” means two different things. He thinks political asylum means people coming into the country from insane asylums. Then his failing mind jumps to Hannibal Lecter, who was in an asylum for the criminally insane in the movie.

Of course the fact that Trump is praising a cannibalistic serial killer, and doesn’t understand that the cannibalistic serial killer is a fictional character, and also has a false memory about the cannibalistic serial killer having died, is enough on its own to prove that Trump is mentally incompetent. But if this really is tied to his obsession with falsely claiming that people seeking “asylum” in the United States are coming from mental institutions, then Trump really is further gone than we thought. Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.

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