What Donald Trump doesn’t get

The list of things that Donald Trump doesn’t get is long, exhaustive, and perhaps nearly infinite. This was true back when he was merely a tone-deaf sociopathic narcissistic criminal. It’s even more true now that Trump is at least half senile. At this point, much of the gibberish word salad that comes out of his mouth is a rather obvious attempt at repeating something that one of his handlers has told him to believe.
One of those examples is Donald Trump’s ongoing obsession with using a payroll tax cut to keep people afloat during the coronavirus crisis, instead of direct payments. Trump has surely been fed this line by corrupt Republican overlord Mitch McConnell. Democratic Senator Brian Schatz explains why this obviously won’t work:
I don't know how many times it is necessary to say this, but a payroll tax cut does nothing for someone who is NO LONGER ON THE PAYROLL.
— Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) May 4, 2020