We’ve gotten under Donald Trump’s skin

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Palmer Report has spent nearly a decade pointing out that the most efficient way to defeat Donald Trump is to mock him. It knocks him off message and it makes him look like a fool in the eyes of the people in the middle. Way too many folks on our side are always “sounding the alarm” about how “dangerously powerful” Trump is, but all that does is help Trump to look powerful. If you want to take Trump down a notch, you make him a punchline.

Joe Biden won the 2020 election by telling Trump to “shut up man” during the debate. Now the Kamala Harris campaign is taking Trump-mocking to the next level by calling him and his running mate weird and creepy. Sure enough, it’s working. Tim Walz was the one who originated the “Trump is weird” messaging and now he’s having fun pointing out the “eleven times Donald Trump explained to us that he wasn’t weird” in one sitting.

This is how you take Donald Trump down. You mock him, you get him on the defensive, and you get him unwittingly amplifying your messaging. Then you mock him some more for how off-message he is and how defensive he’s getting. Then that gets further under his skin. It’s great seeing the Kamala Harris campaign so throughly getting this concept, and playing it to perfection.

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