“We’ve got you”
One of the things that stands out the most about the DOJ’s publicly released search warrant affidavit for Donald Trump’s home is how much wasn’t redacted. We didn’t get the specific details about the most sensitive documents Trump stole (if he stole nuclear secrets they’re not going to tell us all about it just yet), or the names of the people cooperating against Trump. But what stands out is what all we did get.
It’s as if the DOJ decided to push back against Trump’s false claims about the probe by simply leaving as much of the affidavit unredacted as possible, so the public could see just how thoroughly guilty Trump is.
Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post pointed to this passage from the affidavit: “18 U.S.C. § 793(e) does not use the term ‘classified information’ but rather criminalizes the unlawful retention of ‘information relating to the national defense.'” She then translated it into her own words: “You’ve got crappy counsel, FPOTUS and we’ve got you.” She’s right.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report