We’re dealing in two realities right now

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On Thursday, Americans tuned in for hearings that served to bury Donald Trump, spelling out the extensive crimes committed in the name of trying and failing to remain in power, and the overwhelming evidence that proves his guilt. On Friday, Americans took to the streets in protest of an utterly psychotic ruling from a Supreme Court that’s stacked with three deranged lunatics who were illegitimately appointed by Trump.

We’re dealing in two realities right now. The first reality is the downfall, dismantling, and destruction of Donald Trump and his underlings. Trump’s own political viability ended a year and a half ago the minute his goons invaded the Capitol, and while it’s taken the media and pundit class a year and a half to finally admit it, even they’re now beginning to acknowledge that Trump is more likely to be in a prison cell by 2024 than a presidential race. In this first reality, with the public hearings playing out even as the DOJ is raiding Jeffrey Clark’s home and amassing even more grand jury testimony as it goes after more of Trump world, it’s starting to feel like justice is being served.

The second reality is the lasting consequence of a deranged criminal having paired with far right religious extremists to hijack the presidency for four years. There are now multiple “Justices” on the Supreme Court who are such complete lunatics, you wouldn’t feel safe letting them get anywhere near your kids. Yet these same unhinged rubber room lunatics are somehow in charge of deciding who gets to keep which fundamental American rights?

Donald Trump was made obsolete a year and a half ago, and he’s not within a gazillion miles of being the future threat that the media and pundit class makes him out to be while chasing ratings and retweets. But we’re still in hell because Trump happened at all. This Supreme Court is now the most dangerous enemy the United States faces, and has perhaps ever faced. Winning the midterms and expanding the court, in order to make the current psychopaths on the court irrelevant, is the only path we have out of hell.

Even as we continue to finish off Donald Trump, we must now do everything we can to protect women’s rights on a daily basis until this illegitimate Supreme Court is made irrelevant. And we must spend every day working to win the midterms, so we can make this Supreme Court irrelevant. All we can do is all we can do. In the meantime, we’re living in two different realities at once: the war we already won against Trump, and the war we still must win against his illegitimate appointees.

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