We’re almost there

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

You know that feeling at the end of a six hour flight when you’ve finally pulled up to the gate, and then you have to sit there for another fifteen minutes waiting for them to finally open the door and let everyone off? That’s what we’re all feeling right now when it comes to Donald Trump’s illegitimate presidency.

It’s been four years of hell, but we’ve managed to make it through. We’ve defeated Donald Trump, even after he shut down the Post Office in an attempt at keeping people from voting him out. We did it. There will not be another four years of Trump. There will instead merely be another sixty-something days. We’re about 95% of the way through this nightmare – and now the final 5% seems interminable.

We have good reason for sweating it out, of course. There’s a deadly pandemic that’s getting worse, and Trump is still doing everything he can to sabotage the response. The economy is a mess. And of course Trump is going to do everything he can to give himself a softer landing with regard to the prison and bankruptcy he’s facing once he’s gone.

But there is also reason for hope. We’ve made it this far. Trump has far less power and influence now than he did before he lost; it’s clear that many of his allies are no longer taking his calls. We elected a good man in Joe Biden who will help us piece things back together quickly. There’s a vaccine on the horizon. And we’ve got each other. We’ll get through this. We’re almost there.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can