We told you there would be a congressional committee to investigate the January 6th attack

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Back when most Senate Republicans killed what would have been a bipartisan January 6th commission, a lot of observers were left with the impression that the Capitol attack would simply not be investigated. But at the time, Palmer Report pointed out that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had hinted in a press conference that if the bipartisan commission didn’t happen, she would appoint an investigative committee instead.

Now, sure enough, Pelosi stated during a CNN interview on Sunday that unless the necessary three additional Senate Republican votes emerge very soon to create the bipartisan commission, she will indeed appoint a select committee to investigate the Capitol attack. In other words, what was always going to happen is indeed now about to happen.

Notably, when Pelosi was asked why she thought so many Republicans were afraid to support a January 6th investigation, she said she suspected it may be due to where the investigation will lead with regard to some of them. In other words, those members of Congress who incited the attack, or may have facilitated the attack, aren’t going to like where the investigation leads.

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