We MUST fix this one

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Say their names. Hana St. Juliana. Justin Schilling. Madisyn Baldwin. Tate Myre. All of them were teenagers. All of them were innocent. All of them were murdered — gunned down in their school in Michigan.

This is not a subject that I enjoy writing about, nor should it be a subject that SHOULD be written about. Yet it must be. We can never forget. We can never become desensitized.

And we MUST — MUST — find a solution to all the gun violence. Right now, most of this country supports sensible gun reform. Even some Republicans support it.

Yet we are being held hostage by the wickedness of some of the GOP — and of course, the NRA and other gun organizations.

This is yet another reason why we must turn out voters. We have to stop this. We must protect the children. And we must grieve for the victims and their families. We must never ever forget.

The parents of the shooter who do not deserve to have their crummy, despicable, and pathetic names mentioned did their best to become outlaws on the run. Yet it did not work as they were apprehended in Michigan by utterly outstanding police officers who define the word “hero.”

And so is Prosecutor Karen McDonald, who has done something almost unheard of. Two things, actually. She has charged the shooter with terrorism. And she has charged the parents in the case with involuntary manslaughter.

To Prosecutor McDonald, I say this: You are a living embodiment of the type of person we need more of — an individual who does the right thing.

The parents have pleaded not guilty. And the Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard says their community is currently being “inundated with threats.”

“It’s absolutely absurd that after a tragedy, we see a huge spike in threats, but that’s what we’re seeing,” he said. So, we need to come together and make this not a priority but one of THE priorities — the highest priority. We need to stop the violence, stop the guns. And never ever forget the victims.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we're in this together. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research, and we need to become a reader supported site. You can help Palmer Report succeed by donating just $5!