The GOP just gave us a whole new definition of insanity

Around and around and around the Michigan GOP goes. Where it stops, we now know. It stops at election denial and QAnon. Friends and readers, this is a story about insanity. It is a story that brings home that famous quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.”
Somehow I doubt the Michigan GOP ever studied that quote. Right now, Michigan has turned a cool and lovely blue. And it bothers Republicans because it wasn’t supposed to happen this way — in THEIR minds. Only it did. The democrats won big in the midterms in Michigan, and the GOP didn’t like it at all.
One would think they would carefully and thoughtfully study what they did wrong. One would think they would learn from their mistakes and their insanity and pledge to turn over a new leaf — and give the voters something new, something they want.
Ha! Well, anyone who thought that would be wrong. Introducing the Michigan GOP’s new leader — a “QAnon-spewing election denier” by the name of Kristina Karamo.
I mean, this is just insanity, even by GOP standards. Does the GOP WANT to lose? Do they have perhaps a huge masochistic streak we were never aware of?
Karamo is nuts. That is putting it nicely. She is the definition of insanity, showing that Republicans are being quite faithful to the little quote posted above. Here are some of the new Michigan leader’s reported views:
– “Elites sell off freshly harvested organs.”
– Some rock stars put children into satanic delusions.
– Demonic possession can be transmitted sexually.
Welcome to hell, Republicans! This will be pretty entertaining to watch as republicans set out to ruin any chance of winning in the state of Michigan. They just can’t help themselves.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report