“We diagnose Trump with dementia”

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

Donald Trump’s mental health — or lack thereof is the subject of this particular article. As you know, Trump is in the midst of a big problem, and that problem is that he’s falling apart.

We’ve witnessed dozens upon dozens of gaffes now, from Trump being unable to pronounce the word “Venezuela” to his musings about liquid corn to his talk about “typing the lights off” to his conviction that Obama is the current president.

Yes, these gaffes cover a wide variety of topics. One thing I can say about Trump Trump is that he’s an equal-opportunity gaffer. So it comes as no surprise that others have also noticed these gaffes. And some of the “others” are showing deep concern.

That might be why a petition has been created. This petition is called: “We diagnose Trump with dementia.” Doctor John Gartner, Ph.D., created it. The FULL title is: “We diagnose Trump with dementia: a petition for licensed professionals only.”

Thank you, Therapists, everywhere, for doing your part to let people know about Trump’s mental health.

“Diagnose Donald Trump with moderate to advanced dementia based on his public behavior and informant reports that show progressive deterioration in multiple higher cortical functions including:
ability to use language
learning capacity
both gross and fine motor skills:”

“We feel an ethical obligation to warn the public and urge the media to cover this national emergency.”

Nearly 600 medical professionals had signed on at the time of this writing. You may know someone in this field, such as a psychiatrist, counselor, or psychologist. If so, please let them know about this very important petition. I have provided a link to it.

I’m not surprised by this development, and I welcome it. It’s about time. Trump’s verbal gaffes have been doing back-flips lately, contorting themselves, practically begging the American people to notice them. And so they have.

It appears many a Mental health professional has also noticed and are very concerned. People should take mental heath professionals quite seriously for they are the rose-gold of the mental health profession.

Most are highly erudite people and know what they’re talking about. As I said at the time I started this article, around 600 mental health professionals had signed on. I expect that number has grown, even as I wind down this article. Will the usual suspects in the media cover this? I’m not so sure. But Palmer Report always will.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.