Wayne County has reversed itself and certified the election results; Joe Biden’s Michigan victory is secure

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– After all that, Wayne County Republicans have now reversed their decision and have certified the election results. Just like that, the “crisis” is over. It was never going anywhere, because the state was just going to certify the results anyway. Once enough activists on our side made clear to these rogue officials that their stunt wasn’t going to get them anywhere, they backed down.

This is the latest reminder that fierce fighting, and not panicked fretting, is what gets results. Thank you to all of you who chose to fight and not fret. Almost hilariously, Donald Trump tweeted “Flip Michigan back to TRUMP” just before Wayne County went ahead and certified the results, affirming that Joe Biden won Michigan. Trump’s bluster just isn’t getting him anywhere anymore.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can