Wall Street Journal rips Donald Trump to pieces

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The Wall Street Journal is conservative-leaning in its ideology and, at times, embarrassingly pro-Trump in its political coverage. But even the WSJ appears to have finally had enough of Trump’s antics, as its Editorial Board is now ripping Trump to pieces.

In a new piece tonight credited to the entire Editorial Board, the Wall Street Journal is condemning Donald Trump for falsely accusing MSNBC host “Morning Joe” Scarborough of murdering an intern twenty years ago. The WSJ spells out that the coroner identified that the woman died of a heart defect, and that there was no possibility of foul play.

The WSJ ended with this powerful missive: “We don’t write this with any expectation that Mr. Trump will stop. Perhaps he even thinks this helps him politically, though we can’t imagine how. But Mr. Trump is debasing his office, and he’s hurting the country in doing so.”

Notably, this WSJ article came after the woman’s husband called on Donald Trump to stop making these false allegations, and called on Twitter to delete Trump’s tweets about it.

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