Waiting for the end to come…

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The jurors in Donald Trump’s criminal trial have reheard the testimony and jury instructions that they requested, and now they’ve been back in their deliberation room for a few hours. At this point all we can do is wait for their verdict, which could theoretically come at any moment. In the meantime there are some interesting sideshows brewing.

For instance, Trump reportedly requested that a TV be brought into his waiting room in the courthouse so he could watch it. That’s right, a jury is deciding whether Trump is going to spend the rest of his life being a convicted felon, and Trump is more interested in watching The Price is Right. It’s yet another sign that Trump simply isn’t all there anymore.

There is also explosive new reporting that Trump allegedly used the N-word while on the set of the Apprentice. It’s a reminder that even as Trump’s life is getting ripped apart by the legal system, he’s also washed up politically. He’s weak, he’s a has-been, and he’s got so much baggage that it’s going to keep spilling out like this.

But for now it’s all about sitting and waiting. We’re all sitting here waiting for the jury to finish doing its legal duty. Trump is sitting there watching TV. Within hours, or perhaps even minutes, Trump will likely become a convicted felon. Tick tock.

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