Wait, Bill Barr was doing WHAT with Rudy Giuliani?

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This week Lev Parnas decided to shine a spotlight squarely on Attorney General Bill Barr’s alleged role in working with Lev and Rudy Giuliani to criminally conspire with a Kremlin oligarch, in order to smear Robert Mueller. Now that everyone is back to paying proper attention to Barr’s ongoing crime spree, it turns out Barr was indeed doing suspicious things with Giuliani.

Someone in the DOJ has now informed CNN that when Rudy Giuliani met with Department of Justice officials to try to convince them to go along with his criminal scheming in Ukraine, Bill Barr “dropped” into the meeting so he could chat with some other people in the room who weren’t Rudy. If this sounds like a ridiculous scenario, that’s because it is.

It’s fairly clear that this leak came from someone on Barr’s side (likely Barr himself), in an effort to provide the most innocent explanation possible for the Barr-Giuliani meeting. Why would Barr do this? He must have expected that with Lev Parnas now running his mouth, the Barr-Giuliani meeting was about to become public anyway.

Julie Zebrak, formerly of the DOJ, took to Twitter to point out a number of holes in the official story. She pointed out that Bill Barr doesn’t even work on the same floor as the room where this meeting would taken place, and that Barr would have needed to travel with a security detail to get there. In other words, Barr wasn’t randomly out looking for a vending machine and happened to walk into the meeting. Barr made a point of meeting with Giuliani – and Barr is afraid that Parnas has evidence of what was going on in that room.

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