Vladimir Putin’s paranoia grows even further out of control

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There has been much speculation since Putin’s war started as to what the murderous dictator is doing with his time, how he’s feeling, and what his state of mind is. And there have been many reports about the increased paranoia of Putin and his distrust of most of the people close to him.

We saw that for ourselves in clips of Putin is sitting so far down the table from everybody else; he actually came off as paranoid — and scared. And psychotherapist Noel McDermott says all the isolating and the paranoia can be toxic. According to McDermott, this extreme long-term seclusion can cause “irreversible psychological damage.”

But McDermott also thinks that such isolation could have been a factor in Putin’s horrible decision actually to invade Ukraine — because reports are that Putin’s isolation actually began much earlier than his war started. According to many reports, Putin started his solitude around the time Covid manifested itself.

“At the beginning of the lock-down, Putin isolated himself and stayed isolated,” Mcdermott told Express.co.uk. But all of the isolation can be a significant impediment to clear-headed thinking. It can also cause a mind to become, as he puts it, “broken.”

“One of the ways you punish somebody in prison is by putting them in isolation,” the Doctor explained, adding that it is essentially a form of “torture.” And reportedly, Putin’s paranoia has reached new heights with his use of a body double and a food taster.

We have no idea what Putin is actually thinking. Who could venture to guess what goes on in his head? But if indeed, his bizarre behavior, has been going on much longer than was first realized, it could account for the fermentation of his lunacy and his fateful decision to invade.

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