Vladimir Putin’s MAGA rally

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Do you believe in prophecies? What about oracles? Many in ancient Greece as well as Egypt DID and do believe. Sometimes these people would look for signs. And when war reared its ugly head, a good — or bad — message could either inspire the troops — or fill them with dread.

I do not know what Putin believes in other than death — and hate — and evil. No, he does not strike me as a man who would listen to an oracle — or watch for a sign. And yet something strange happened to Putin. It happened at Luzhniki soccer Stadium in Moscow.

Speaking to a rapt crowd, Putin vowed to emerge from his war of hate triumphant. The audience cheered for him as they had to — to remain alive. They waved Russian flags. They shouted their approval in waves. Putin also talked about how well his soldiers were doing and how they were all helping each other.

As Putin spoke, State television was forced to cut away. For there was a glitch. So, some of what he said was not seen on television screens. At the time of this writing, there were no specifics as to what caused the glitch and why it was so necessary to cut way from Putin.

In ancient Greek lands, this is what would have been known as a portent. The screaming crowd of Russians could have been straight out of a Maga rally. Think about it, my friends. Think about the similarities. Two audiences — one in Russia — cut off from reality, allowed to believe only what State TV wants one to believe.

And then our American Maga audience. The thing that stings so much is that, unlike Russia, our people DO have choices. They DO have their individual freedoms. And this small but omnipresent group — has CHOSEN Maga. They have willingly and aptly given their spirits away.

There have been so many signs — so many warnings in Maga-land AND in Russia. But said warnings only work if one has the ability — and the openness — to see. For without visualization – and the willingness to believe — any sign is useless.

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.