Donald Trump just called for a “violent” response from his remaining supporters

Now that Donald Trump has lost the midterms, and he knows that he and his family are on a path to prison, he only has a few moves remaining. To the surprise of no one who has been paying attention, Trump is now calling for a violent response from his remaining supporters – and he’s doing it in nearly exact words.
Donald Trump spoke today at an event held by far-right propaganda site Daily Caller, and addressed the so-called “Antifa” or Resistance protesters, along with his own supporters: “These people, like the Antifa — they better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize. Because if they do, they’re much tougher. Much stronger. Potentially much more violent. And Antifa’s going to be in big trouble.”
Donald Trump is flat out telling his own supporters that if anti-Trump protesters get even slightly out of line, his supporters should respond in “violent” fashion. When you place this within the context of Trump’s frequent false claims that anti-Trump protesters have turned violent, our interpretation is that Trump just instructed his supporters to violently attack anti-Trump protesters.
Obviously, anti-Trump protesters should never resort to any level of violence under any circumstances. But you shouldn’t cower, either. You have a right to go out and peacefully protest as much as you like, without being intimidated. If Donald Trump’s goons try to violently attack you, don’t engage them; step away and call the police. Let Trump’s goons be the ones who go to prison for getting violent. In any case, Trump’s call to violence is a sign that he knows he’s losing.