Vengeful impulsiveness

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Vice President Kamala Harris is steadily building a solid case as the leader America needs, while Donald Trump’s credibility continues to unravel with every new endorsement she gets. Retired military officials and national security experts are continuing to line up to back Harris, making it harder for Trump to spin his version of events.

In an open letter released on Sunday, a whopping 741 bipartisan national security leaders from the National Senior Leadership for America (NSL4A) praises Harris for her effective leadership. The letter calls this election “a choice between serious leadership and vengeful impulsiveness” and credits Harris with strengthening America’s global alliances, especially her masterful diplomacy following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In the meantime, Trump is reminding America how he weakens the nation and alienates our enemies as he has “heaped praise” on dictators like Vladimir Putin and “the terrorist leaders of Hezbollah.”

This isn’t the first time national security leaders have come out publicly for Harris while sounding the alarm against Trump. As I wrote earlier this month, a group of retired U.S. generals and admirals penned another open letter blasting Trump for his mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. They pointed out that his deal with the Taliban, which freed 5,000 fighters, left Biden and Harris with no solid exit strategy. These military leaders called Trump “a danger to our national security and our democracy” and praised Harris for being “a steadfast supporter of service members” who, together with President Joe Biden, has steered the country through some of the toughest national security challenges.

Trump continues to try to shift the blame for Afghanistan onto Biden and Harris, but these letters make it clear that Trump’s own actions set the stage for a chaotic outcome. With the NSL4A’s latest endorsement, national security leaders are praising Harris for her ability to “advance American national security interests” while painting Trump as “impulsive and ill-informed.”
As more experts and officials go on record about the stark choice facing voters this November, Trump continues circling the drain. In the meantime, the message that Harris is the right leader for America’s future is continuing to get reinforced—just as some states’ early voting gets underway.

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