Donald Trump admits he’s “vain” and “insensitive” in bizarre exchange with lunatic James Woods

Donald Trump has always been a twisted sociopath. But lately he’s been slipping in the cognitive department, to the point that he’s losing his filter, and he’s begun periodically acknowledging things that he wasn’t supposed to say out loud. For instance, earlier this month, Trump appeared to blame his mother for what’s wrong with him. Now he’s said something even stranger.
Washed up actor and creep James Woods tweeted this about Donald Trump: “Let’s face it. Donald Trump is a rough individual. He is vain, insensitive and raw. But he loves America more than any President in my lifetime. He is the last firewall between us and this cesspool called Washington. I’ll take him any day over any of these bums.” We wouldn’t even bother to reference anything that Woods has to say, except that Trump decided to retweet this.
Not only did Donald Trump retweet Woods’ words, he added “I think that is a great compliment. Thank you James!” In other words, Trump is admitting that he’s “vain” and “insensitive.” That’s more than a bit odd for him. The first rule of people as narcissistic as Trump is that they’re so vain, they don’t know they’re vain – and they certainly wouldn’t admit it out loud.
Donald Trump is unraveling in the psychological and cognitive department. We’re seeing it in ways that are subtle and not so subtle. Trump’s moments like this are becoming more frequent and more revealing, and they raise questions about what will even be left of Trump’s failing mind by the time election day arrives.