Unhinged Donald Trump says “F–k Joe Biden” on the eve of his criminal trial

Donald Trump knows there’s nothing he can do to avoid getting convicted in his criminal trial. We know this because he keeps telegraphing it. He’s already declared that there’s no way he can get a fair trial, a thing you only say if you know you’re going to lose. And now, just hours before the start of the trial, Trump is going the unhinged route.
Remember when Trump idiotically looked at a previous eclipse without glasses? For some reason he’s now revisiting that moment with a new video, except this time he’s wearing glasses, and the eclipse reveals the words “Fuck Joe Biden.”
So there you have it. Donald Trump has so thoroughly given up any hope of surviving this trial, he’s spending his final night before the trial cursing out his political adversary instead of focusing on trial strategy. Trump is finished, and he knows it. Might as well lock him up now.