Unhinged Donald Trump points to his own head and admits his “personality defect” during insane speech

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One of the reasons career criminals and con artists tend to finally go to prison later in life is that they lose a step and let their guard down. Being a con artist requires always being a step ahead in whatever game they’re playing. But what happens when a crime boss like Donald Trump gets old and begins displaying symptoms consistent with dementia?

The answer is that it results in moments like this:

Some folks will say that Donald Trump was making a joke about himself. But this is a person who doesn’t joke and has no sense of humor. He’s surely known for a long time that he has the kind of malignant narcissistic personality disorder that makes him miserable when everyone else is happy. But now he’s so far gone in terms of cognitive decline, he no longer has the sense to keep quiet about it.

At the beginning of this year I said it was probably just a matter of time before a declining Donald Trump ended up on stage with no pants, because he really is turning into that guy.

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