Unfit and dusty

This writer has always been fascinated by pyramids. In Egypt, there are the pyramids of Giza. They are mostly solid masses of stone erected on a rocky plateau on the west bank of the Nile River. Pyramids are fascinating, but they are also part of the reason that Donald John Trump is unfit to lead. Pyramids represent learning, the taking in of knowledge. It is vital for any leader to be able to do that. Times change, and people change; leaders must change as well. But as you well know, narcissists do not change. Not even a little bit. Over and over, Trump has shown us that the ONLY way he can change is to commit different crimes. Other than that, no change is possible, rendering him unfit to lead. Another thing that has stayed the same in Trump’s life is his reaction to COVID-19.
Trump handled the COVID crisis horribly, no doubt about THAT. However, in an interview on Sunday, a journalist asked Trump Trump about Covid and how he dealt with the pandemic. He responded — well — you’ll just have to read it for yourself.
“I did an amazing job,” Felon insisted. I never got the credit for it.” Then he said it. And what an “it” it was! “I took a disaster,” the felon exclaimed, “THAT DUST FLEW IN FROM CHINA, AND WE STARTED MAKING VENTILATORS.”
Hold up! Did he say dust fly in from China? He said it is alright, and it promoted hysterical reactions like this headline: “Trump claims COVID-19 started when dust flew in from China.”
That’s an interesting theory; I’ll give the idiot that. Oh, how the comments rolled in like a misty fog storm, blanketing everything with the stupid and ridiculous. Does Donald Trump believe this? How moronic he is.
But this goes to my original point. Trump can’t learn. With Trump, all he can do is parrot back stupid conspiratorial talking points that don’t make any sense. Learning and expanding one’s mind is vital for most people, but especially for leaders. Trump isn’t a leader. But come November, there WILL be a dust storm, as his campaign will melt into dust.