Donald Trump sounds like the Unabomber

If you’re old enough to have lived through the Unabomber’s reign of terror, you’ll recall that he was a severely disturbed individual who sent bombs to university professors through the mail, while also publishing deranged and semi-coherent conspiracy theories. I’m reminded of that same bizarre lunatic rambling when I was parsing the words that had just been written by the (supposed) President of the United States.
When the story first emerged about the FBI having used an intel asset to investigate the Trump campaign’s crimes during the election, Donald Trump seemed to understand that he was trying to gain a tactical advantage by falsely characterizing the asset as “spying” on his campaign. But by now, Trump appears to have deluded himself into believing that there actually was a spy in his campaign, the whole time, roaming among his staff, even though he doesn’t seem to have any awareness of who that spy might have been.
Here’s what Trump tweeted about it: “If the person placed very early into my campaign wasn’t a SPY put there by the previous Administration for political purposes, how come such a seemingly massive amount of money was paid for services rendered – many times higher than normal.” Wait, what? Now the FBI was paying a spy a huge amount of money to work for his campaign from the early days onward? None of this happened. Much like the Unabomber, he’s hallucinating about some alternate reality that only exists in his head. It gets worse.
Donald Trump continued his rambling, insisting that the spy “was only there to spy for political reasons and to help Crooked Hillary win – just like they did to Bernie Sanders, who got duped.” Now Trump is convinced that not only did Hillary Clinton somehow have a spy in his campaign, Hillary also had a spy in Bernie’s campaign. Again, none of this happened. No mentally stable person believes any of this happened. Even Trump’s goons are just spinning the “spy” story for effect. But Trump appears to truly believe this delusional fantasy, and it becomes more clear by the day that he belongs in a rubber room.