Ugly new numbers for Trump

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The media has been gleefully hyping any poll on which they can get their grubby little fingers. Of course, we’ve heard all about them (except the polls that are good for Biden). But now there is a new poll out. This one has nothing to do with our President. It has to do with Donald Trump, and people should take notice.

In a new CNN poll, a shocking 77% of respondents say that, in their opinion, Donald Trump will not accept the election results if he doesn’t win. Worse, a mere 28% say they WILL accept the results. Ah, that 28 percent. You know that is the MAGA aspect of the poll. Maga thinks their cult leader can do no wrong.

But what does that tell us about the majority of voters? It tells us they do not like Donald Trump. To interpret this poll as ANYTHING else, one would have to assume that the majority of these respondents do not WANT Trump to accept the results. That’s just poppy cock. Most Americans believe in the peaceful transfer of power. And they told CNN that loud and clear.

Of course, CNN, BEING CNN, is hardly mentioning this poll. Instead, they are still talking feverishly about President Biden’s cold. To veer off topic for a minute — I have seen how many of you are angry at CNN. I have good news in that regard. According to Puck, CNN is about to engage in massive layoffs. Their ratings have tumbled even further, and although their ratings were ok the night of the debate, they weren’t as great as they should have been.

In late January, CNN lost so many viewers that it lagged – behind the History Channel. Perhaps they might see some rating growth if they had honest and quality journalists. Instead, alas, the ratings have gone to shit.

As for this poll? If it is accurate, it tells us the American people have caught on to Trump’s crap. This is a significant number. That’s almost 80% of voters who think Trump will refuse to concede. It would be nice if the media would open their mouths and tell people this. Donate to Palmer Report, click here!

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