Donald Trump goes berserk, calls woman by wrong name, misspells two letter word

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Donald Trump thinks he’s losing. How do we know this? He’s telling us so, by spending the morning tweeting some of the most toxic and frantic and incoherent garbage he’s ever spewed on Twitter, somehow topping himself in his race to the bottom. Something has convinced him that it’s all over, this is the endgame, and he has no way out. If you want proof, he’s now reduced to calling a woman by the wrong name while somehow misspelling a two letter word. No, really.

Trump gave away this morning that while he’s worried about Special Counsel Robert Mueller, he’s particularly worried about Mueller’s sidekick, prosecutor Andrew Weissman. Trump is also more mad at Hillary Clinton and James Comey than usual, he seems to be mad at Rudy Giuliani, and he’s also upset with John Brennan and James Clapper, though he probably still doesn’t know which of them is which. But then came the truly weird part.

Donald Trump has had a long habit of attacking Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, which Trump usually misspells as “Nelly.” This time, however, Trump launched into a tirade about “Bruce Ohr (and his lovely wife Molly).” Wait, who’s Molly? Trump used to know this woman’s name, he just couldn’t spell it. Now he thinks she’s named “Molly.” Is Trump high on molly right now? Also, Trump now thinks “bye the way” is a thing. That’s right, he misspelled “by” – a two letter word.

This is all sideshow stuff, of course. Robert Mueller is going to help out Michael Cohen today and crush Paul Manafort today, and those two filings are going to be two more nails in the coffin of Donald Trump’s illegitimate presidency. But it’s worth pointing out that these impending bombshells, along with everything else playing out behind the scenes, have apparently left Trump even less functional than usual.

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