Twitter hits Donald Trump’s false tweets with warning label that confirms Joe Biden won

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Over the past five days of vote counting, Twitter has ended up slapping warning labels on half or more of Donald Trump’s tweets. Whenever he’s falsely declared victory or spewed ballot conspiracies, Twitter has taken action. Now that Trump has officially lost, Twitter has taken it to a whole new level.

Just before Donald Trump was declared the loser, he tweeted “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” This tweet has now received nearly a million negative replies. Twitter quickly put a warning label under his tweet, which reads “Official sources may not have called the race when this was Tweeted.” Now that Joe Biden has been declared the winner, various observers have pointed out that this warning label is clickable and now leads to a page which says “Joe Biden is the projected winner of the 2020 presidential election.”

Donald Trump would have been kicked off Twitter for rules violations a long time ago if he weren’t President. Soon he won’t be President, and he’ll probably indeed end up getting himself kicked off. Twitter knows it too, so at this point it’s just punking him in a manner he so richly deserves.

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