Twitter finds new way to crack down on Donald Trump’s false tweets

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For the past month and a half, Twitter has been routinely slapping warning labels on Donald Trump’s false tweets about the election. Twitter has been impressive with the swiftness and consistency upon which it’s acted. But it’s also become clear that more severe action is necessary. Now that’s beginning to happen.

For awhile now, whenever Trump has falsely claimed that he won the election, Twitter has attached a warning label that said “Official sources called this election differently.” But now that all fifty states have certified their results and the Electoral College has voted, Twitter’s new warning label says “Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election.”

This means that each time Trump posts a tweet going forward that he won, his tweet will also state that Joe Biden really won. This isn’t enough; Trump’s tweets are growing so dangerous that he should be removed from the platform entirely. But this is a step in the right direction.

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