Twas the night before Christmas, and Donald Trump just gave something big away about his impeachment trial

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the White House, not a creature was there, not even an IMPOTUS. Yet out on the Twitter there arose such a clatter, that the citizens looked out to see what the hell was the matter. “President” Donald Trump started the morning with his traditional call to the troops around the world. Rather than focus on their bravery and the fact they were away fighting battles that are never ending, protecting the freedoms this nation enjoys 365 days a year, Trump told them about the 135 times the stock markets broke records and about unemployment rates, especially for African Americans. Jolly tidings not.
He then tweeted a bunch of fabrications and debunked information, telling the Twitterverse: “Everything we’re seeing from Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer suggests that they’re in real doubt about the evidence they’ve brought forth so far not being good enough, and are very, very urgently seeking a way to find some more evidence. The only way to make this work is to mount some kind of public pressure to demand witnesses, but McConnell has the votes and he can run this trial anyway he wants to.”
IMPOTUS the Third appears to have just admitted that witnesses would be devastating and gave up the reason he is working with the Con so hard to avoid having a real trial. He then tweeted about the economy and numbers, and then seemed to dishonestly suggest that USMCA was passed because the impeachment case was so lousy: “The ONLY reason we were able to get our great USMCA Trade Deal approved was because the Do Nothing Democrats wanted to show that they could approve something productive in light of the fact that all they even think about is impeachment. She knows nothing about the USMCA Deal!”
In reality it was able to be completed because Democrats got worker protections in it and, rest assured, Speaker Pelosi, the apparent “She”” in his tweet, knows more about NAFTA and USMCA than Trump knows about anything. Trump appears to be rattled as he sits in Mar-A-Lago with his criminal co-conspirators. And to all a good night, with the thought that Trump is going down in 2020.

Daniel is a lawyer writing and teaching about SCOTUS, and is the author of the book “The Chief Justices” about the SCOTUS as seen through the center seat.