Turns out they are plotting against Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan didn’t come close to winning the Speaker battle in the first round of voting, and somehow got even fewer votes in the second round, amid buzz that he might fall even further behind in a third round. So is this mere happenstance? Because it’s almost felt like there was a plot in place to humiliate Jordan. Now it turns out there is a plot against Jordan.
Some unnamed House Republicans who oppose Jim Jordan are now telling CNN that they’ve been “purposely staggering their ‘no’ votes” so as to make sure Jordan does indeed lose votes each round. In other words, some anti-Jordan people voted for him in the first round, knowing he’d lose anyway, so they could turn around and vote against him by a larger margin in the second round. Now they say they’ll be using this strategy to drive Jordan’s vote total even lower in the third round.
These House Republicans must hate Jim Jordan. They’re not just looking to make sure he loses. They’ve set this up from the start to make sure that he’s losing momentum from one round to the next, just to make sure he’s too humiliated to have any chance of gaining any momentum.
This is a remarkable level of dysfunction, sociopathy, and just plain idiocy. House Republicans aren’t fit to govern. At this point we don’t even have to make the case why. House Republicans are doing that for us all by themselves.